Sunday, January 22, 2012

Food! A topic that seems to always be on my mind. I feel like as a wife and mom of two girls someone around here is in need of food. So that puts me in the kitchen abut 80% of my day of either cooking or cleaning. Not that I totally mind because food just so happens to be one of my passions. I love looking through cookbooks, watching all cooking channels, and surfing the web for new ideas. What I love most is experimenting with food that I have on hand and see what kind of yummy creations I can come up with.

I am a wife of a hunter and each year he fills up our large chest freezer with deer meat. So most of what I experiment on is venison because honestly there is not a lot of recipes out there. Let me just say too that many of you who say they don't like venison is probably because you haven't had it cooked correctly. I also think it depends on where the deer come from. I happen to live in the south so I eat whitetail deer, which to me is a much milder taste then if you have mule deer from out west.

 I look forward to sharing with you all my wonderful food finds!

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